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Documentation Designing Your Site Components

ViewComponent (Rails Compatibility Layer)

If you’ve used GitHub’s ViewComponent on existing Rails projects, you’re in luck! We’ve created a compatibility shim which “fools” ViewComponent into thinking it’s booted up in a Rails app when it’s actually not. ViewComponent itself is mainly only reliant on the ActionView framework within Rails, so we include that along with the shim, and then you’re off to the races. (Note: this functionality is still considered experimental.)

Let’s break it down.

Quick Tutorial #

First, you’ll need to add the plugin to your Gemfile. In a Bridgetown project folder, run the following command:

bundle add bridgetown-view-component

and then add init :"bridgetown-view-component" to config/initializers.rb.

Next create a shared folder in src/_components and add the following two files:

# src/_components/shared/header.rb
module Shared
  class Header < ViewComponent::Base
    include Bridgetown::ViewComponentHelpers

    def initialize(title:, description:)
      @title, @description = title, description
<!-- src/_components/shared/header.erb -->
<header style="text-align:center; color: teal">
  <h1 style="color: darkgreen"><%= @title %></h1>

  <%= markdownify @description %>

Now let’s set up a new layout to render our component. Add src/_layouts/vc.erb:

layout: default

<%= render(
    )) %>

<%= yield %>

Finally, update your home page (src/ like so:

layout: vc
title: ViewComponent
description: It's _here_ and it **works**!

Yay! 😃

Now run bin/bridgetown start, load your website at localhost:4000, and you should see the new homepage with the Shared::Header ViewComponent rendered into the layout!

Helpers #

So far, pretty standard fare for ViewComponent, but you’ll notice we had to add include Bridgetown::ViewComponentHelpers to the definition of our Shared::Header class. That’s because, out of the box, ViewComponent doesn’t know about any of Bridgetown’s helpers. We could have injected helpers directly into the base class, but that might adversely affect components written with Rails in mind, so at least in this early phase we’re including the module manually.

As a shortcut, you could create your own base class, say SiteViewComponent, which inherits from ViewComponent::Base, include the Bridgetown::ViewComponentHelpers module, and then subclass all your site components from SiteViewComponent.

Rails Helpers #

Including Bridgetown::ViewComponentHelpers in a ViewComponent provides access to Bridgetown helpers within the component. However, to facilitate that, most of the default Action View Helpers get disabled, since many helpers rely on Rails and will not work with Bridgetown.

Bridgetown::ViewComponentHelpers#allow_rails_helpers provides an API to enable supplied Action View Helpers like ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper:

class HeaderComponent < ViewComponent::Base
  Bridgetown::ViewComponentHelpers.allow_rails_helpers :tag
  include Bridgetown::ViewComponentHelpers

  def call
    tag.h1 content, class: "my-8 text-3xl font-bold tracking-tight text-primary-white sm:text-4xl"

The Rails helpers must be included before the Bridgetown View Component helpers, as shown in this example.

In this example, Bridgetown::ViewComponentHelpers.allow_rails_helpers :tag enables ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper. We can create an inline ViewComponent that leverages tag.h1 to create an <h1> element with our supplied content.

In your template, <%= render"👋") %> would output:

<h1 class="my-8 text-3xl font-bold tracking-tight text-primary-white sm:text-4xl">👋</h1>

Like helpers, you can include Bridgetown::ViewComponentHelpers.allow_rails_helpers :tag in a base class that your components inherit from to reduce duplication.

Using Primer #

Primer is a component library and design system published by GitHub, and you can use it now with Bridgetown! However, you’ll need to do a bit of extra “shim” work to get Primer view components loaded within the Bridgetown context.

First, add the following to your Gemfile:

gem "railties" # required by Primer
gem "actionpack" # required by Primer
gem "primer_view_components"

Next, add the following file to your plugins folder:

# plugins/builders/primer_builder.rb

require "action_dispatch"
require "rails/engine"
require "primer/view_components/engine"

class Builders::PrimerBuilder < SiteBuilder
  def build
    site.config.loaded_primer ||= begin
      primer_loader =
      Primer::ViewComponents::Engine.config.eager_load_paths.each do |path|
        primer_loader.push_dir path
      Rails.application.config = Primer::ViewComponents::Engine.config

What this does is import a couple of additional Rails dependencies, set up the autoloading functionality provided by Zeitwerk, and ensure Primer’s engine config is added to the Rails shim. We also want to guarantee this code only runs once when in Bridgetown’s watch mode.

Let’s also add the Primer CSS link tag to your site’s head:

<link href="^19.0.0/dist/primer.css" rel="stylesheet" />

Now you can use Primer components in any Ruby template in your Bridgetown project!

<%= render( :success)) do %>
  <span markdown="1">This is a **success** flash message!</span>
<% end %>

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